@article{oai:tust.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000090, author = {前島, 洋 and 川井, 伸夫 and 高田, 治実 and MAEJIMA, Hiroshi and KAWAI, Nobuo and TAKADA, Harumi}, journal = {帝京科学大学紀要, Bulletin of Teikyo University of Science}, month = {Mar}, note = {The objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) is an examination format to assess the clinical competence ofhealth science students. The purpose of the present study was to survey the status of the implementation of an OSCE forundergraduate physical therapy students in Japanese universities and to introduce a physical therapy OSCE to the educationalprogram of our department based on the survey. Prior to making a questionnaire to survey the status of the implementation ofan OSCE, we visited two departments implementing an OSCE in the physical therapy educational program, and consolidatedthe information regarding the usage of OSCE. Subsequently, a questionnaire was sent to all physical therapy departments inJapanese universities. The questionnaire was answered by 53 % departments. The 64 % departments implemented physicaltherapy OSCE in their educational programs. The survey elucidated that the objective of the OSCE was to motivate studentsto improve clinical skill rather than to strictly assess the clinical competence, indicating that most departments used OSCE as ateaching OSCE. Actually, the students failed to go up to next grade due to the poor results of OSCE only in 19% departments.Only 14 % departments recruited outside standardized patients in the OSCE. In reference to the survey, we introduced theOSCE to our educational program as a teaching OSCE which facilitate student to learn clinical skill and adapt the studentsto a clinical circumstance. This study firstly reported the status of the implementation of an OSCE in Japanese four-yearundergraduate program, which could contribute to the standardization of the OSCE format in Japanese physical therapyeducation based on multicenter works among the departments., 10, KJ00009453879, 原著論文}, pages = {81--88}, title = {理学療法学教育における客観的臨床能力試験(OSCE)導入の課題と実践}, volume = {9}, year = {2013}, yomi = {マエジマ, ヒロシ and カワイ, ノブオ and タカダ, ハルミ} }