@article{oai:tust.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000073, author = {渡辺, 隆之 and 門野, 紗英里 and 山崎, 美香 and 高橋, 寿恵 and 桜井, 富士朗 and WATANABE, Takayuki and MONNO, Saeri and YAMAZAKI, Mika and TAKAHASHI, Hisae and SAKURAI, Fujiro}, journal = {帝京科学大学紀要, Bulletin of Teikyo University of Science}, month = {Mar}, note = {In recent years, ongoing daily dental cleaning to domestic dogs has been clinically evaluated by veterinary clinicians to be effective in the prevention of periodontal diseases including zoonoses, especially in the aging dogs. In this study, in order to improve the canine oral hygiene, we have compared the various dental cleaning methods based on the number of bacteria on the teeth using dental care products for dogs which are commercially available. In addition, we have isolated zoonotic bacteria of Capnocytophaga spp and then examined changes in the number of the bacteria after the dental cleaning. Of the seven methods of dental cleaning (direct methods; n=4, indirect methods; n=3), all the direct dental cleaning methods achieved a high rate of bacterial reduction and appeared to be effective in the prevention of periodontal diseases in dogs. The present findings indicate that ongoing canine dental cleaning significantly reduces intraoral bacteria as well as dental plaques, thus reducing the risk of periodontal diseases., 13, KJ00008087859, 原著論文}, pages = {113--119}, title = {イヌの口腔内衛生維持のための効果的な歯磨き方法の研究}, volume = {8}, year = {2012}, yomi = {ワタナベ, タカユキ and モンノ, サエリ and ヤマザキ, ミカ and タカハシ, ヒサエ and サクライ, フジロウ} }