@article{oai:tust.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000064, author = {乙部, はるひ and OTOBE, Haruhi}, journal = {帝京科学大学紀要, Bulletin of Teikyo University of Science}, month = {Mar}, note = {This text aims to trace the history of music education in the kindergarten concerning the instruments and to consider the background of present problem in instrumental activity at kindergarten. In Japan the kindergarten was founded in the Meizi period, when the pianofortes and the organs were placed for accompanying the songs. The instrumental activity at kindergarten began after the World War II, so it's history is very short. A course of education which was established in the year 1956 suggested that the kindergarten should aim at the same revel of education as the elementary school, and the teachers have forced children to play the instruments correctly and well. We were affected by the thought of early education and the developed instrumental activities at elementary school, so until the present time we rarely studied the originality of children's expressions. In the year 1988, a course of education suggested that we have to think much of children's identity and expressions, but we haven't had the way to draw the expressions from children. The study suggests that it is important to study practical how draw children's expressions and pleasure from the instrumental activity at the kindergarten., 4, KJ00008087579, 原著論文}, pages = {27--36}, title = {幼稚園における楽器活動の歴史的変遷と現在の問題点}, volume = {8}, year = {2012}, yomi = {オトベ, ハルヒ} }